23 January, 2011

The Shoulder

There’s Jill who shoots the bull with me

There’s Jack who pulls my hair

There’s Kim who always cracks up with me

There’s Tom who never plays it fair

Sam always makes fun of me

Beth’s my teddy bear

Sharon paints and sings with me

And Lucy’s always got gossip to share.

But when tears need to flow and the soul needs mending

When hip-hop irritates and I’d rather hear something heart rending

When the mind is blank and the stomach’s got this sinking feeling

When I’m not proud of myself and secrets need revealing

Then there is a confessional I run to

Then there is a sanctuary

With him I have a moment to hang on to

I am twelve again, writing my secret diary.

The shoulder is my anchorage

My oasis in a parched land

The shoulder is my ivory tower

On top I feel safe again

The shoulder has got great power

It lifts my mood, purges my guilt

The shoulder is Sanctum Sanctorum

For once I feel immaculate.

You have taught me to come out wiser and bolder

You make me believe in me

You have been, you are, you will be The Shoulder

You are the best part of me.